Sustainable agribusiness to build a better world for all!

Agric Products Value Addition

      Agric Products Value Addition

 Processing of Agricultural Produce

One of the chief prospects of IAEGO in Enugu state is to establish agro-allied industries in the three senatorial zones of the state charged with the responsibility of adding values to Agric products along the value chain and segments in these four ways:

  1.   Product transformation
  2.   Distribution
  3.   Storage and
  4.   Added service.                          

The techniques that are employed in achieving this are:


  • Food Processing: This involves converting raw agricultural products into various processed foods both for consumption, Cosmetic, medicinal, and industrial uses.


  • Packaging and Branding
  • Grading and Sorting
  • Preservation Techniques
  • Organic and Specialty Certification
  • Ready-to-Use Products.
